Thursday, January 16, 2014


This photo of an oil pump contains adjacent non-supplementary angles outlined in purple. The two angles are adjacent because they share the same vertex and a side. A supplementary angles should add up to 180 degrees. If these two angles were suppelmentary then the measures of angle 1 + measure of angle 2 would = 180 degrees. Also since the non shared lines do not form a straight line the angles can not equal 180 degrees. Oil pumps are very important to every country around the world. They keep a supply of oil on moving parts and oil is needed to support our country. Oil is used for gasoline and electricial generation. 

I found this image at:


These 3 noodles that i took a picture of explain non congruent alternate interior angles. These arent just any noodles, they are fettucine noodles! These noodles create non congruent alternate interior angles because noodles A and B are not parrell. The transversal noodle goes through both the other noodles. Since noodle A and noodle B are not parrell the alternate interior angles formed by the transversal are not congruent. Angle 1 and angle 2 do not have the same angle measures therefore they can not be congruent. I took this picture in my house, I got the noodles from the pantry. Noodles are very important in eating. Noodles can taste delicous. People need to be able to eat to survive, therefore eating noodles is a very important part of life! Everybody eats noodles, it is an easy meal to make that a lot of people love 


The leaf i found on a plant in my house is green with tons of little lines running through it. The leaf is a very good description of an angle bisector. As we can see the leaves viens create a right angle. The yellow line shown is the leaves viens and the right angle. The red line that i drew is the angle bisector that goes right down the middle of the leaf. The red line bisects the yellow angle thus splitting the right angle in half. Therefore we have two congruent 45 degree angles. Angle bisectors cut the first angle in half. I took a leaf off of one of my moms plants and then took a picture of it! Leaves are literally the most important thing in the world. They produce our oxgen that we use to breathe. EVERYONE uses oxgen so that means EVERYONE uses leaves to get thier oxygen. 

SKEW LINES-- airplane view of an overpass

This example of skew lines is an over pass over a highway. Over passes are roads that literally pass over a highway. This is an example of a skew line because the two roads are not parrell but they also never intersect. The red line never intersects with the green, orange, or blue line. But the red line is also not parrel with the green, orange, or blue line. Skew lines exists on two or more different planes just like the overpass does with the highway because they are two different roads. In this picture there are 4 different roads being overpassed on all different planes. The overall use for overpasses is very important for traffic all over the world. Overpasses lessen the amount of backup caused by traffic. There are overpasses like this found all over the world! They play a very important role in our transportation


The object i used for my segment bisector is the toy football I got my dog for christmas two years ago! The football is red and squeaks when someone squeezes it. The football describes a segment bisector pretty well. The green marker is the base segment that is being bisected by the blue line. The blue line bisects the green segment. When the blue line bisects the green segment its splits it into two equal congruent sides! The segment is now split in half with the blue intersecting the green line which is also known as the midpoint. The football was found in my dogs toy bin. I then brought it into my lap to take a picture of it. Now this football is strictly for entertainment purposes. My dog and I will play fetch with this toy, it is one of her favorites. When my brother and I get bored we will play with this ball in the house so we do not break anything! 


The example I found of congruent obtuse angles is a roof truss. This is the ordinary model of a typical roof truss. Roof trusses are made of wood and are used in homes! One time my family and I went to build homes for the homeless. I could not believe the amount of geometry that takes place in the architectrual design of a home. The angles shown here in red is an obtuse angle which is congruent to the green angle. These obtuse angles are congruent because first their measures are greater than 90 degrees and they have the same angle measures. If the angles didnt have the same measures then the roof tress would fall down. I can tell you that from personal expierence! Roof trusses are very important in the structure of houses. They add a slick design to the house that no other object can offer. Roof trusses really hold the top of the house together that is thier man purpose. Almost every human being in the world uses roof trusses! 


A helicopter is a perfect description of a line perpendicular to a plane. Helicopters come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. This one happens to be a dark brown and an attack helicopter. The yellow line i drew in the picture is the plane. A plane is a flat surface with no thickness that extends forever. A line also has no thickness and extends forever. So in my picture the the helicopters wings is the plane because it does form a flat surface. The blue line is the line that I extended off of the helicopters wings. the line and the plane form a 90 degree angle. this means that the blue line is perpendicular to the yellow line! Helicopters are SO important around the world. This type of helicopter is used to provide air support for our troops. Other helicopters provide medical assistance, while others provide transportation for our troops, our president, and news reporters. Every news shot we see from the air comes from a helicopter. 


The picture i chose to use for supplementary angles that are not a linear pair is the leaning tower of pisa. I will never understand how this tower never falls down. The measure of the angles formed by the tower to the ground stand at - the red angle = 95.1 degree while the blue angle measures in at 84.9 degrees, thus creating a 180 degree angle which is a suppelmentary angle. These suppelmentary angles are not a linear pair because the angles are not adajcent they do not share a same side. The leaning tower stands in italy. The leaning tower of Pisa is a must see when one travels to italy. It is one of the main tourist attractions in all of italy. The leaning tower of pisa took 344 years to build and the construction started in 1173 and only 5 years later the tower started to lean. 

VERTICAL ANGLES--- directors chair

Here we have a nice leather directors chair. The chair is black as most of them are wood, painted black. Directors chairs are a perfect example of vertical angles. As you close the chairs, the angles formed by the base of the chair always remain vertical. Since vertical angles are always congruent, if you open up this chair more and try to make it taller the green angles will increase and still be the same on both sides. The red angles will decrease but still be vertical to eachother. I found this picture of a directors chair on the internet. My dad used to own a directors chair when i was a little boy but my little brother broke it! Director chairs are used for directors to sit in and be comfortable. The best part about director chairs is that they are customizable. Its some peoples jobs to make sure the chair is set to the perfect hieght for the director. The director is supposed to be able to jump in and out of his seat very quickly. Director chairs are also used as just regular chairs. I have been to houses before where people just sit in directors chairs. 


The object shown in this picture is my very own keyboard. It is somewhat fasinating to believe that i see three or more coplanar parrallel lines everyday. Since there are 4 noncollinear points, the lines are all in the same point. We can connect the red, blue, green, and purple lines between a white line because each of the colored lines have points on them and since they are in different planes we can connect them with a white line. We know the lines are parrell because the space inbetween the keys will never intersect with another space between the keys. If the keyboard continued forever the lines would still never intersect because they are parrell. I see my keyboard everyday! It clings to my ipad and makes typing a whole lot easier. EVERYONE uses a keyboard in the real world, whether it be on their home computers, laptops, or even ipad cases. Without keyboards life would be miserable trying to type! 

Monday, January 6, 2014