The object shown in this picture is my very own keyboard. It is somewhat fasinating to believe that i see three or more coplanar parrallel lines everyday. Since there are 4 noncollinear points, the lines are all in the same point. We can connect the red, blue, green, and purple lines between a white line because each of the colored lines have points on them and since they are in different planes we can connect them with a white line. We know the lines are parrell because the space inbetween the keys will never intersect with another space between the keys. If the keyboard continued forever the lines would still never intersect because they are parrell. I see my keyboard everyday! It clings to my ipad and makes typing a whole lot easier. EVERYONE uses a keyboard in the real world, whether it be on their home computers, laptops, or even ipad cases. Without keyboards life would be miserable trying to type!
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