Thursday, January 16, 2014

SKEW LINES-- airplane view of an overpass

This example of skew lines is an over pass over a highway. Over passes are roads that literally pass over a highway. This is an example of a skew line because the two roads are not parrell but they also never intersect. The red line never intersects with the green, orange, or blue line. But the red line is also not parrel with the green, orange, or blue line. Skew lines exists on two or more different planes just like the overpass does with the highway because they are two different roads. In this picture there are 4 different roads being overpassed on all different planes. The overall use for overpasses is very important for traffic all over the world. Overpasses lessen the amount of backup caused by traffic. There are overpasses like this found all over the world! They play a very important role in our transportation

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